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The works of Julius Voegtli (1879 - 1944), a forerunner of Swiss impressionism, were presented in a solo-section within the large group show and took us to an era before ...

Julius Voegtli, Hong Art Museum, Chongqing International Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition 2020

Julius Voegtli, Hong Art Museum, Chongqing International Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition 2020

The works of Julius Voegtli (1879 – 1944), a forerunner of Swiss impressionism, were presented in a solo-section within the large group show and took us to an era before WW1 nearly to the end of WW2. He began with realism and ended in impressionism. Still lifes, portraits, landscape, soldiers, animals were all within his stories.
The works of other contemporary artists accompanied Voegtli in this exhibition.

Chongqing International Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition opened on 10 January 2020 at 2 PM. It was the greatest art event in the greatest metropolis of the world (Chongqing). The Exhibition was organized by PASHMIN ART CONSORTIA and Hong Art Museum in Chongqing. The works were presented there till the end of May 2020.

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