Gerrit Hodemacher in HAZ, No. 93, April 2023
Heading to the Far East: Hodemacher exhibits in Beijing
Wunstorf artist showcases his large-scale works in the Chinese capital and also attends the vernissage on May 13.
Excerpt from the article by Anke Lütjens
Wunstorf artist showcases his large-scale works in the Chinese capital and also attends the vernissage on May 13.
Excerpt from the article by Anke Lütjens
The abstract paintings of Wunstorf artist Gerrit Hodemacher continue to travel the world. After Genoa, Monaco, Paris, New York, Barcelona, Milan, and other cities, they are now heading to the Chinese capital, Beijing.
Alternatively published in the Hannoverische Allgemeine Zeitung.